Perhaps there are no good stores in your town, or you are too well known, or you need an unusual size and would be embarrassed to ask for it. I CAN HELP!
Send me complete information as to item, size, color, style etc. If there is a range of colors or styles which would be acceptable, say so. For shoes, stand on paper and outline feet (both). Send this with de- tails as to heel height, style such as open toe and/or heel, strap, pump, spring-o-lator, wedgie etc.
My charge is 15% for items under #10, 12%-10 to $20, and 10% over 20. State amount you wish to spend, add correct percentage to it plus the estimated post- age. Remit by money order. Extra money will be re- turned and sales check enclosed to show actual cost. Exchanges can usually be made if returned at once. Everything handled through this magazine, so write to-- Service Jept. Chevalier Publications Box 36091, Los Angeles 36, Calif
Each night, though right,
I lose a fight
То my good wife named Liz.
Each morning, though, before I go, Defiance and disdain I show---
By using HERS instead of HIS.
CORRECTION: Address given for Chevalier d'Eon Resort on Pg. 24 of No. 1 should have been 875 West and Ave. instead of 857 as printed. Sorry for the error.... Ed